Delivering excellence in glass since 1875

Apprentice Case Study

Name: Jack Morris 
Company: N&C Glass, Fareham 
Position: Glass Processor 
Age: 16 


Jack Morris joined N&C Glass as an apprentice in August 2016, as he preferred a more hands on approach to learning, which the Company offered. With this in mind, Jack joined the team at N&C Glass Fareham as a Glass Processor as he wanted to learn more about the glass industry. Over the duration of his apprenticeship, he received extensive training to understand how glass products are made and how they are used in different applications. Jack has learnt to understand the importance and use of the state of art machinery at Fareham. As part of his apprenticeship he was shown how to operate a variety of our glass machinery including, the Glass Sealed Unit Robotic line, the Toughening Plant and the Automated Cutting Tables to name a few. 

During his time at N&C Glass, Jack has had the opportunity to gain a vast amount of commercial awareness through working in different areas of the business, including the main office, the transport department as well as production. Jack has now joined N&C Glass on a full time basis to continue developing his career within the Glass Industry.


"I'm lucky to have had this opportunity. I've really enjoyed learning how to operate the machines and producing toughened glass and sealed units. I didn't want to go to college because I prefer learning hands on. A lot of my friends haven't done anything like this" 

- Jack Morris